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24 DBT Mindfulness Journal Prompts For Deeper Healing (8-Page Journal PDF)

To really help you integrate Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) Mindfulness Skills into your daily life, I’ve compiled 24 journal prompts tailored to each skill. These prompts are designed to guide you through a profound self-exploration journey, enhancing your mindfulness practice.

Whether you’re new to DBT, don’t have access to DBT, or are simply seeking to deepen your existing skills, these prompts offer a gateway to a more grounded, emotionally resilient you.

In the accompanying 8-page journal gallery, I share snippets from my own journal entries during my DBT journey. These personal reflections aim to inspire and connect, emphasizing that mindfulness is a practice—a journey that unfolds uniquely for each individual.

As you delve into this exploration of DBT Mindfulness through journaling, remember that mindfulness is a skill honed through practice. Each prompt is a stepping stone towards deeper healing, and the journey is as significant as the destination. Embrace the process, celebrate the progress, and savor the transformative power of mindfulness in your life.

What is DBT Mindfulness?

DBT Mindfulness is one of four crucial components of the comprehensive therapeutic approach formulated by psychologist Marsha Linehan, known as Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT). This therapeutic model is designed to assist individuals in regulating their emotions, alleviating distress, and enhancing interpersonal relationships, all of which require a foundation of mindfulness skills in order to improve.

The four core modules of DBT include:

  • Mindfulness
  • Emotional Regulation
  • Distress Tolerance
  • Interpersonal Effectiveness

Personally, the incorporation of DBT Mindfulness Skills into my therapeutic journey has proven to be an invaluable tool for building my skills in the other three modules, helping me regulate my emotions and foster present-moment awareness. It also helped me see where I was ignoring or dissociating from my needs, allowing me to take steps to reduce this behaviour and keep myself psychologically safe after trauma.

Engaging in regular mindfulness practices has played a pivotal role in keeping me grounded during moments of overwhelm and stress, leading me through my story of BPD recovery. Through these techniques, I have developed an increased awareness of my emotions and a better understanding of my daily needs.

What are the DBT Mindfulness Skills?

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Mindfulness Skills are the specific set of practices designed to help individuals regulate emotions, manage distress, and improve interpersonal relationships. These skills, developed by psychologist Marsha Linehan, are grouped into specific modules that address different aspects of mindfulness.

Skills covered in the DBT Mindfulness skills module include:

These mindfulness skills are foundational in DBT, empowering individuals to navigate their internal and external worlds with increased awareness, resilience, and emotional regulation. The goal is to cultivate a “wise mind” that integrates both emotional and rational aspects, leading to more effective and balanced responses to life’s challenges.

For all the prompts and entries featured in this article plus an easy-to-understand, comprehensive guide to all the DBT Mindfulness Skills listed above, download my full 30-page Guide to DBT Mindfulness Skills today.

DBT journaling: How to journal for DBT

Journaling for DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) can be a transformative tool in your journey towards healing and self-discovery, particularly if you’re navigating borderline personality disorder (BPD) or similar challenges. Whether you’re actively engaged in DBT treatment or exploring these skills independently, your journal can serve as a compass, guiding you through the various facets of DBT and tracking your progress along the way.

Within the realm of DBT, there are several key skill categories worth exploring in your journal. As outlined above, these include DBT Mindfulness, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Emotional Regulation, and Distress Tolerance. By dedicating journaling sessions to each of these areas, you can deepen your understanding of the skills and their application in your life.

Here are some tailored DBT journal prompts to kickstart your exploration:

  1. Mindfulness Moments: Reflect on moments throughout your day where you practiced mindfulness. How did it feel to anchor yourself in the present moment? What thoughts and sensations did you observe?
  2. Interpersonal Insights: Consider recent interactions with others. How did you effectively communicate your needs and boundaries? What challenges did you encounter, and how might you approach similar situations differently in the future?
  3. Emotion Regulation Check-In: Take stock of your emotional landscape. What emotions are present for you right now, and how intense are they? Identify any triggers or patterns you notice, and brainstorm healthy ways to regulate your emotions.
  4. Distress Tolerance Strategies: Recall a recent moment of distress or discomfort. How did you cope with these feelings in the moment? What strategies helped you ride the wave of emotion without succumbing to impulsive behaviors?

Remember, journaling is a deeply personal practice, so feel free to adapt these prompts to suit your unique journey. Whether you’re scribbling in a notebook or typing away on a digital platform, your words have the power to illuminate your path towards growth and resilience. Now for the detailed DBT skills journal prompts & PDF!

24 DBT Mindfulness Journal Prompts For Deeper Healing (& 8-Page Journal Gallery)

To deepen my ability to use these mindfulness skills, journaling has emerged as a complementary practice in my therapeutic toolkit. Documenting my thoughts and emotions in a structured way has provided a tangible outlet for self-reflection.

Journaling not only aids in the recognition of patterns in my emotional experiences and works as a means of tracking my progress in implementing DBT Mindfulness Skills, it also but also serves as a safe, judgment-free space to practice the skills away from any prying eyes. This combined approach has enriched my ability to stay present, manage emotions effectively, and cultivate a deeper understanding of myself on a day-to-day basis.

Now, let’s dive into the actual journal prompts for these DBT Mindfulness Skills that I used to heal. I’ll list the 24 individual DBT Mindfulness journal prompts below by skill, and the 8-page journal gallery of these prompts and PDF file is available for download underneath. Feel free to save this gallery of images to use later! Remember, mindfulness takes practice, but it is truly worth it.

Journal Prompts For Wise Mind & States of Mind

  • What are the tell-tale signs for me that I am in emotion mind? (Write a list)
  • Bring a situation to mind where you have recently experienced emotion mind. Write out the emotion mind, reasonable mind, and wise mind positions for this situation.
  • What currently gets in the way of me using wise mind?

Writing Prompts For Mindfulness WHAT Skills

  • Right now, what can you observe through your senses both within and around you? Notice all the things you can see, hear, and smell, as well as the sensations you can feel throughout your entire body.
  • Describe what you can observe within and around you in as much detail as possible. Unglue interpretations from factual observations.
  • What’s on my plate today that I can participate fully in?

Journaling Prompts For Mindfulness HOW Skills

  • Try to notice and label any judgmental thoughts you have throughout an entire day.
  • In what activities today can I practice one-mindfulness? (Making coffee, cleaning the house, walking down the street, etc)
  • How can I be mindful of my goals today and what choices will be effective in helping me achieve them?

Journal Ideas For DBT Mindfulness of Emotion

  • Observe and describe your emotion: What is the emotion you are experiencing right now? Can you name it? What is it’s intensity out of 100?
  • Can I notice these physical sensations that come with this emotion? Can I stay with those sensations? What do I notice?
  • Try to remember some times when you have felt different emotions. Notice if you can sense any other emotions when you turn your attention inwards. Remember that you are not these emotions, you are experiencing them.
  • Can I unglue my current judgments of my emotion from the facts of my emotion?

Journal Prompts For DBT Mindfulness of Thought

  • Try to observe the thoughts you are currently experiencing. Label them as they arise.
  • Can I notice these physical sensations that come with these thoughts? Can I stay with those sensations? What do I notice?
  • In the current moment, try to get curious about your thoughts, urges and where they come from. Label them for what they are. Make a note of a time that you have had different thoughts.
  • In the current moment, ask yourself: “What sensations are these thoughts trying to avoid?” What comes up?

Journaling Ideas For DBT Mindfulness of Others

  • Bring a recent interpersonal interaction to mind. Can you observe the facts of the interaction? What was said? What facial expressions were used? What tones of voice were used? What did you feel and think internally?
  • Can you label any judgments, assumptions and interpretations you had of the situation, ungluing them from the factual observations? Try to replace judgments with factual descriptions.
  • What strategies can I use next time to keep bringing myself back to the present moment and out of the judgments in my head?

Prompts For Using Mindfulness Skills (When You Really Don’t Want To)

  • How does resistance to using Mindfulness Skills feel in my body? Based on my past experiences, why does it make sense that you would feel resistant to trying?
  • Describe and label the thoughts you notice right now in relation to using Mindfulness Skills. Unglue judgments from factual observations.
  • Why did I originally feel like DBT Mindfulness Skills would support me in my recovery? What might I gain by practicing them?
  • If my current distress level so high that I am finding it hard to connect to my wise/rational mind, how can I tolerate this distress in the short-term without making anything worse?

DBT Journal Prompts & Journaling Template [8-Page PDF]

As I delved into the intricacies (and difficulties) of this therapeutic approach, I recognized the immense value of journaling as a companion to mindfulness—a tool to articulate, reflect, and navigate the nuances of my emotional landscape.

In this section, I’m thrilled to share with you a collection of DBT Journal Prompts & Example Recovery Journal Entries [8 Pages]. This gallery includes the template versions (without the example journal entries from my own time in DBT from my 30-page Mindfulness Skills eBook) so you can download the blank pages with journal prompts and get started straight away! My ebook is available for instant download if you need more guidance on how to fill in these journal prompt templates.

Here’s your 8-page DBT journal PDF & image gallery.

Alternatively, download the full 30-page Guide to DBT Mindfulness Skills today for all the prompts featured in this Newsletter plus my own personal entries and a guide to each DBT mindfulness skill.