Mindfulness HOW skills in DBT
Blog, DBT

DBT “HOW” Skills: How to Practise Mindfulness in DBT

DBT HOW skills, short for Non-Judgmentalness, One-Mindfulness, and Effectiveness, pack a punch when it comes to handling life with intense emotions. They're not just fancy words; they're practical techniques aimed at helping you regulate your emotions and interact with the world around you in a more effective and less destructive way.  In this article, we'll… Continue reading DBT “HOW” Skills: How to Practise Mindfulness in DBT

DBT Mindfulness WHAT Skills
Blog, DBT

Your Guide To DBT’s ‘WHAT’ Skills

In this guide, we're going to unpack the ‘WHAT’ skills of the Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) mindfulness module—Observe, Describe, and Participate. These skills aren't just fancy concepts; they're practical tools that can help us navigate the ups and downs of life with a little more grace and a lot less stress. So, what exactly are… Continue reading Your Guide To DBT’s ‘WHAT’ Skills

Blog, DBT

Exploring Dialectics & the Dialectical Approach [With Examples]

From ancient philosophy to modern psychology, the concept of dialectics has played a significant role in shaping how we perceive and engage with the world around us.  In this article, I'll delve a little deeper into the concept of dialectics, exploring its origins, its application in therapies like DBT, and how it can enrich our… Continue reading Exploring Dialectics & the Dialectical Approach [With Examples]

Blog, DBT

DBT vs CBT: What is the Difference?

Understanding Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Navigating the complex realm of mental health treatment can be both daunting and overwhelming. As someone who is still navigating the journey of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) recovery, I truly found solace and transformation through a year-long Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) course. While my journey… Continue reading DBT vs CBT: What is the Difference?

Blog, Mental Health

Defining Gratitude: What it Is & What It Means To Practice

Defining Gratitude: What it Is & What It Means To Practice In a post-neuroscience world, the concept of gratitude has emerged as a powerful force for mental well-being and spiritual growth. While gratitude is often thought to be a simple expression of appreciation, its depth and transformative potential extend far beyond surface-level social niceties. In… Continue reading Defining Gratitude: What it Is & What It Means To Practice

Blog, DBT

6 DBT Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills & Journal Prompts

What is DBT Interpersonal Effectiveness? 6 Skills & Journal Prompts Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) is a therapeutic approach that combines cognitive-behavioural techniques with Eastern mindfulness principles. One of the core components of DBT is Interpersonal Effectiveness, which plays a crucial role in building and maintaining healthy relationships.  In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the… Continue reading 6 DBT Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills & Journal Prompts

Blog, Mental Health

Why Does Shame Feel So Big?

Why Does Shame Feel So Big? Today has been a little bit of a rollercoaster for my nervous system. It’s safe to say that out of all the emotions I experience, none hit me quite as viscerally as shame does. Even when its intensity absolutely does not fit the facts of the situation. But why… Continue reading Why Does Shame Feel So Big?